Hi, I’m Morgan.

I’m here to champion decluttered spaces,

joy-filled homes, + fresh pots of coffee.

Let’s connect!

Hey, friend-

Whether you’re here for simplifying your home, finding joy in your work, or something else- I’m glad you’re here.

Make Meal Planning Simple.

Is “What’s for dinner?” the question that plagues you nightly? Let me show you how to:

  • Create a weekly rhythm

  • Plan meals that work with your family’s schedule

  • Workshop breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  • Use a printable weekly meal plan + grocery list

  • Receive seasonal support with monthly meal planning inspo, my current faves, and more

  • Bonus: My 10 Favorite Meals

We’ll go step by step so that last-minute scrambles are a thing of the past.

Fave Freebies

Declutter your home.

Ever get to that point walking through your home when you think, “I’m going to throw it ALL away.” Or, are you more of a, “If I just get a few more baskets and labels, I’ll finally have this under control.” I’ve been there. In both places. The recovering perfectionist in me wanted to believe I could just strong arm my stuff- or start totally fresh and not end up in the same place. The truth? It’s not likely.

Clutter causes a stress response in your body. It’s time to take it on for good (which is a continual process- fair warning). And walk through our homes with margin and peace. Let’s do this.

Create a Joyful Space.

I’m on a mission to create joy in the middle of the mundane, every day things. Each season has it’s challenges and it’s joys. Maybe you’re longing to start your family. Maybe you’re exhausted in the newborn season. Maybe you never expected the chaos that toddlerhood- or teenage years- would bring. Maybe you’re adjusting to a new season of having an empty nest.

There is joy to be found in each of these seasons. Joy to be found in unloading the dishwasher, and preparing meals each night and connecting regularly with your friends and family. Look- we’re not ignoring the hard parts. But, we are cherishing the every day that makes up our lives- not just the highlights- honoring the season we’re in. Let’s journey together, friend.

I’m a retired nurse. And that’s not something I thought I’d ever say while I was in my 20’s.

I’m a stay-at-home-mom and wife. I built a 6-figure business in network marketing, leading a team of thousands of people. I never thought I would leave my nursing job, but I longed to be home with my babies. These are days I’ll never get back. I want to cherish them and find joy in my work. Which I wasn’t able to do with long nursing shifts. And it brought me to a place where I looked to make money without the traditional 9-5.

Modere is unique in the network marketing world because with a 2-fold compensation plan, I can offer the opportunity for affiliates and business leaders to join me in a sphere where I know they will win in business. The high-quality, patented products we offer are changing people’s lives and health every day. The science is astounding and the results speak for themselves. And the twice-daily paychecks that Modere offers to social marketers are also changing people’s lives and legacies.

Through my career changes- I’m so glad that a constant thread has been serving people. Through decluttering, and clean products, and simplified meal-planning and task organization, I get to serve others and run a business and lifestyle that I love. And friend, you can have this too. I have the most incredible team around me. We work with a hustle-free mindset. We see wins. I’m so glad you’re here.

Let’s stay connected!